Joël Sakarovitch



Joël Sakarovitch is professor in History of Science at the University René Descartes (Paris V), in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science. He is also teaching geometry and construction history at the Paris-Malaquais architecture school (École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris Malaquais), where he is co-director of the laboratory Géométrie-Structure-Architecture.
His main field of research is the relationship between the applied geometry used by the stone cutter and the erudite geometry of the mathematician. On this subject he published several articles and, in 1998, Epures d’architecture, de la coupe des pierres à la géométrie descriptive, XVIe-XIXe siècles (Birkhäuser). He participated, in 1992, to the new edition of the course of descriptive geometry given by Gaspard Monge during the French Revolution, and present this course in Landmark writings in Western mathematics, 1640-1940 (I. Grattan-Guinness ed., Elsevier Science, 2004). He also published, with Jean Dhombres, a book about Girard Desargues (Desargues en son temps, Blanchard, 1994), and several articles on the theme “Between mechanics and architecture”.


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